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Sept. 30, 2022

Everyday is Friday! Twirled Too Hard

The Official Seenagers

The Official Seenagers, never too late podcast. Improve riffing comedy. In this episode, 'Don't Let Charlie Spin You' he tells a funny story about his heavy hands.

There is also plenty of improv riffing about children, AARP, nothing good happens after 10pm. and so much more. give a listen and Thanks!

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AARP welp, here it is, on wiki, decide for yourself

Moana songs

Reggae music You can get it if your really want


Don't let charlie spin you 9-7-22

Mon, Sep 26, 2022 10:33AM • 19:41


thought, drink, Woolly Mammoth, Debbie Nigro, Charlie Ponger, Luz Michelle, people, listen, lady, luz, kids, Pellegrino, spun, rain, big, funny, spiked, nice, hear, hands, happy, AARP, Drag Bar, Gay friends, Big Hair, Standup Comedian, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Hiking, Peter FedEx commercial, Sesame Street, Moana, Disney,


Luz Michelle, Debbie Nigro, Charlie Ponger

Debbie Charlie:

Did you just call me stunod?

Debbie Charlie Luz:

he did, you know what it means right? in a minute means right. Yes. your not all there.

Charlie and Debbie:

Hey everyone, welcome to The Official teenagers. I'm Charlie Ponger.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

And I'm Debbie Nigro, I'm Luz Michelle Yeah. And

Debbie Charlie:

we adopted her. She's our new Gen X.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

I am thinking,

Debbie Charlie:

how can we get a generation straight? This Gen X's.

Charlie, Luz:

Did you even know you're a Gen Xers you have figured out 100% Google that.

Debbie Charlie:

Like five minutes ago? Yeah. Again unbelievable, What are we?

Charlie and Debbie:

We're the very tail end of the baby boomers.

Debbie Charlie:

It looks so specific for my taste, Charlie

Debbie Charlie Luz:

like the tail end

Charlie, Luz:

or the tail. What happened? Did you have you gotten an AARP letter yet? Luz? No, I haven't

Debbie Nigro:

No, what I'm remembering back in the day when I was dating and single that I remember getting on a train with a guy kind of had a crush on he was a little bit older. And he sat down he showed me his AARP card and I was immediately no longer interested right. Again, like it's so out of my league.

Charlie Ponger:

The first time I got an AARP card. I mean the letter because they bombard you

Debbie Charlie:

with that in the beginning. Hey, that, threw it

Charlie and Debbie:

out, threw it out, threw it out, threw it out. The whole thing's a scam.

Debbie Charlie:

Not a scam. It's

Charlie and Debbie:

a scam. It's a collective group of people who are scams. little harsh. Yeah, it's

Debbie Charlie:

very harsh. It's a collective group who are on lobbying on your behalf. You're very young man to the rope, baby.

Charlie Ponger:

He'll make so much money. They have 38 million

Debbie Charlie:

that was 40 million members. Maybe they have 40. Well, I joined their other group.

Charlie, Luz:

What's the other group? Well, it's

Debbie Charlie:

AARP. But it's Always Available and Ready To Party that

Luz Michelle:

I'm with her, I'm,

Debbie Charlie:

you know, I want to just say that I'm really sad that I don't get excited about going out late at night anymore. what's late at night for you? After seven. But I really get it. I'm a little annoyed because it was such a big thing to be out in the energy of nightlife. And, you know, you can only recreate so much of that between five and eight. And then you know, it's like after that, like, what are you supposed to do with yourself? How much can you drink? How much can you talk? How much can you eat him up everybody else you know is in bed. You know? Like, this is ridiculous. But I want to go out at night and just see what is going on and people still out there. On the hour to midnight, one o'clock and two o'clock. You want to check that out??? And to be clocking for you know, nothing good happens after midnight, right?

Charlie and Debbie:

Well, for us, nothing good happens after 10pm

Debbie Charlie:

days every time by the time you know what's coming tomorrow nine

Debbie Luz:


Debbie Charlie:

What's the latest? You go out? You're younger?

Debbie Charlie Luz:

But yeah, if I hear like, Oh, we're gonna get together for 10 I'm like, Oh, I'm getting offered 10 That's terrible.

Debbie Charlie:

Okay, so that doesn't make me feel love. I

Debbie Charlie Luz:

love we're gonna meet for seven. I like seven. Because anything could happen. Yeah, just that seven ish window, you

Debbie Charlie:

seven could go to 10 or 11 or 12, maybe even 102. So I'm getting a funny memory back in the day that you know, after hours, clubs are a thing. There's people who are after hours after hours. Yeah. And most people we don't know who were there, but some we do. Back in the day. Yeah, with friends. I don't know what happened. Somebody's brother cousin mother was something at a drag bar. And I was like, Yeah, let's go you know. So it was a couple of girls and a couple of guys and I'm pretty sure they were my gay friends. And we all went to the drag bar. And I was so big and had such big hair. Yeah, that everybody thought I was I swear I was like, Oh, I had the big shoulder pads. The high hair the heels. Yeah, I could have had an act that we're picking up for a couple of bucks. Yeah. Yeah, that was fun. We mean that's they know how to have fun just after our clubs. Some of them are really fun. It was really fun last so I don't think I would be up long enough or weekly.

Charlie and Debbie:

I like the five o'clock happy hour thing like that we did yeah,

Debbie Charlie:

we did a great episode. Yeah Happy Hour is the new blue plate special unfortunately and that's what you know we vail it, we vail it as happy hour

Charlie Ponger:

Sunday Sunday's four o'clock right on the water bar and the water drinks reggae music. Great. What could be better than that????

Debbie Luz:

What is your favorite kind of music Luz? All of it.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

I like all of it. Tie Charlie all genres.

Charlie and Debbie:

I love all kinds of music even I'm not a rap guy though.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

I love rap. You do? Tell me why? I just feel like I can express myself mentally when I'm by myself and I listen to rap.

Debbie Charlie:

Yeah, I hate rap. You listen to the song called the working woman rap and I'm an opportunity where I love rap that makes it girls because I thought it'd be a ballerina actress, maybe teaching me to teach me Get along with the mood changes to Revelation women clear constantly changing nationwide. Did I go off on a tangent? Yeah.

Charlie Ponger:

Pete from the FedEx commercial in the 80s. So fast. Pete unbelieving Pete

Debbie Charlie:

he leaves me out. Yeah, in the world's fastest talking human contact with the Guinness Book of World Records. You

Charlie and Debbie:

tried to do it you Charles

Debbie Charlie Luz:


Luz Michelle:

I have them right.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

You should try out again. Right 100%

Debbie Charlie:

We do something together because we'd be a team.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

Oh, I love the Guinness. I love going to the museums. I love all I love Believe it or not Ripley.

Debbie Charlie:

I know love it. Yeah. Oh

Charlie and Debbie:

my god. You guys have conditioned.

Debbie Charlie:

Have you been to a museum recently? Anybody have been to a museum? Yeah. What?

Charlie Ponger:

I went to the museum and Pound Ridge Reservation? Yes. They have. They actually have the bones of a woolly mammoth in the museum. From a lake around here.

Debbie Charlie:

You know why that's good news. Because they don't have your bones in the museum. Where you got lost hiking? Yeah. And they would have shown you in a case like this is what happens if you don't check in with us. Or take your cell phone?

Charlie and Debbie:

That's a cell phone from now on. I even have a hiking little pack. Okay, I'm gonna run with two things water instead of one. All right.

Debbie Charlie:

Love it. Yeah, the woolly mammoth. That was exciting. That animal. The woolly mammoth weed member school. They showed you the woolly mammoth. Yeah, that was a wolf that was was big

Debbie Charlie Luz:

summer off of this. hula hula case. What was Sarabhai? Dalva pronunciation went up a lot because from the Sesame Street, wasn't he?

Debbie Charlie:

A woolly mammoth? Wasn't

Debbie Charlie Luz:

he could have been I don't know. Probably. I

Charlie Ponger:

can't remember that far, but

Debbie Charlie:

it's feeling like he must be just a name like that.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

Like, do you guys remember? No, I

Charlie and Debbie:

don't remember him.

Debbie Charlie:

I gotta each year it's funny about cartoons and things that you remember as a kid and don't and what kids are watching now that you have no idea they're watching? Yeah, so they're probably going out into the world with ideas in their head that parents want to all I hear is lawanna Well, that's the wrong name is Mo Juana. Oh, well obviously you haven't watched one episode. I don't watch I hardly knows what else your grandchildren. They hear oh, my

Debbie Charlie Luz:

there is a movie called Luna.

Charlie and Debbie:

I mean, it's like oh my God, then the song from what's it called? The wanna what it was it Mallanna

Debbie Charlie Luz:


Charlie and Debbie:

Over and oh, that's a song from Frozen. Yeah, that too. Oh, frozen. Oh, my granddaughter sang frozen into the mud I know is

Debbie Nigro:

beautiful. Yeah. So you don't know what kids here are over here. And they're so sponges. You have children and grandchildren. And I got a funny little share. My daughter of course I'm babysitting, right. And every five minutes something's going on. And my daughter and son in law like sparkled spiked drinks. They keep bunch of them in the house for adults and friends. You know, yeah, this sparkly spiked and they have some other ones so like Pellegrino that are not spiked to have just juicing them. Now if you didn't know that you think that Pellegrino was spiked? You gotta keep looking and look in the shore you should. So so my granddaughter knows those are off limits. She can't have any of those things. So I come to the house and I pulled out a Pellegrino with the orange and I went oh, this is so refreshing. I go you want some honey? She goes oh no, I can't have that thinking it was spied as a no no, I think double checking you sure this has gotten him liquor in it because I'm you know, cuz RAM Otherwise, I'd be on the news. So finally, we agree this is fine. And she takes it in. She's like, Oh, Grammy, can I take this in the car seat with me? I'm like, Yeah, sure. Are you big girl. So she's got the sparkly drink. Fast forward. day later, we're at the beach. My little niece comes along to take her to the snack bar. I don't know what's going on. And she says to you, what do you want? She goes, Hi, lady. Can I have that kid to kill the orange one? I want the kids to kill it and they can you know the orange one. Ladies like so she thought it was her version of a tequila or a cat. Right? It was cute. What do you got for kids story? Something kids are so funny.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

Kids are funny. My daughter can order my drink. Love. What

Luz Michelle:

did she do? Yeah, so

Debbie Charlie Luz:

she'll say silver. casamigos on the rocks. July.

Charlie and Debbie:

Oh my god. How old is she? She's eight. That was just a guess. No kidding.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

I'm uh, I'm only have a consistency of what I drink. Like, that's my drink. So she knows. Yeah, so she's probably heard me say it. So she's eight. Oh,

Debbie Charlie:

yeah. And then I was traveling on business. When I was a younger mom like you. My daughter came on a business trip. We got a book tour. At the airport. 730 in the morning. I'm ordering coffee could barely see right. Trying to get a bagel get split with her kids. She's She's like, I don't know, six or seven or eight and she's got her nose, rest to the glass and she says to the lady, she goes, please. What do you want little groceries? I'll have no duels. She knew what it was to know alcohol. Yeah, right. Okay, so where were we?

Charlie and Debbie:

So you I have a story to share my share looking at you're looking at me it was gonna be

Debbie Charlie:

that your heavy hands, your head heavy hands here. This is you may need to see somebody. Okay, so

Charlie and Debbie:

you know, I'm known to have heavy hands. I don't know why but I guess I could

Debbie Charlie:

describe what heavy hands is for. Okay, well, I'll

Charlie and Debbie:

give you an example of Frankie peppers. If we're if two guys, if I'm laughing with Frankie peppers and I punch him in the shoulder. He gets really upset because I hit him too hard and don't even realize I'm doing that. Right

Debbie Charlie:

like he did. He almost knocked my teeth upstairs. We're upstairs.

Charlie and Debbie:

We're upstairs. Debbie said something. I thought it was funny. I give her a little pat on

Debbie Charlie:

the back. A little pat in the back and punch me in the back. I'm not quite sure she

Charlie Ponger:

thought she thought she lost. She lost her breath everything. I felt really bad for

Debbie Charlie:

her. We should pick it up because it took me four days to recover. I'm not kidding. My back went out. I'm saying I don't understand.

Charlie and Debbie:

So we're at a we're at a free gig. We're at a free gig down the road over here and it's like this beaters Beatles cover band. And with Jamie and Bryn Jamie's the guy brings the girl I always have to say that. And that and so after the gig, they went left and I went right. And as I'm walking out to my car, I see this very elderly woman dancing by herself. You punched her around. Her husband's in this lawn chair that's like really low to the ground. And I mean they're like pretty, you know, they're ancient, right? They're almost fossils. And she's dancing. So I thought oh, I'm gonna do something really nice. So I grabbed her hand. Oh, no. And Brooke back. I spun her you didn't. And I spun her too hard. Are

Debbie Charlie:

you kidding me? Really?

Charlie Ponger:

Next like this my hands up here. All of a sudden I saw the hand to God was gone. I looked down and there she was on her bag. Oh, swear to God.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

word story. World Two Worlds.

Charlie and Debbie:

Now I look up there's got to be 20 people in a semicircle staring at me. Right so now I'm like, What the fuck do I do now? beat up old now. So now I gotta pick her up. Oh,

Debbie Nigro:

by the way, she was

Debbie Charlie Luz:

knocked down. Hey,

Charlie and Debbie:

no most Oh, she got up her head was spinning. I looked at her husband. I shook his hand. I go Hey, man. I'm really really sorry. I was just trying to have a little fun with your wife and make her happy. He was like oh, it's alright get the fuck out here

Debbie Charlie:

Have you checked on her since? No she was fine she that's what you thought about me? Yeah. Wow, Charlie, that's crazy. Yeah,

Charlie Ponger:

I gave her one of these got lucky for a second all dancing like an old hippie you know dressing the whole thing boom boom. Right she disappeared on

Debbie Charlie Luz:

me when only Charlie spin you yeah

Debbie Charlie:

well I'm not happy to hear that story. I just want a really terrible

Charlie Ponger:

oh my god you're so sensitive. No,

Debbie Charlie:

I'm not so I had an altercation. What? You know me I'm mild mannered I own a mean bone in my body. Right but don't tell me I did something I didn't do Oh, happens then the guinea comes out of you. You can't believe it. Snap crackle pop you did I mean to where did you somebody? Some lady said I hit her car.

Charlie and Debbie:

When was this last week? And did you

Debbie Charlie:

well let's put it this way i did not hit her car 00 No way in hell but I did talk a little irregularly I was in a rush oh what a fucking surprise no because the kids were meeting me my daughter the baby the baby again entrance for the beach and I don't have any cash on me and I wanted to treat to cash machines I zipped off a little bit on an angle not much like and like it was all under 60 seconds right? Of course I come out and the lady standing there with their hands on her hips. And you know I'm you could tell it was a little close. And I actually thought I'm gonna get into her car. That was kind of rude of me thought that in advance. Now. I cannot stand there she goes, You hit my car. I said no, I didn't hear I didn't hit your car. I did come a little close. But he didn't he she goes look at this debt. Now I would I had hit her like a T bone if I finally if it was me, but it wasn't. I go listen on my mother. I would tell you is my neighborhood. I would come in and say lady, I hit your car. I'm very sorry. I didn't hit this. She kept saying Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, you'll get yours. And I finally I snap. I went wait I gotta go. Go you see how I pulled it. I gotta know scream at the end of this way. I pulled it as a weapon. I my chest was pounding real yelling, because I don't yell. But she just accused me one too many times. If something I did not do. Snap, Crackle pop loose.

Charlie Ponger:

Do you have a Staten Island temper like that? Oh, I do. I do.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

And I'm very aware of it. Oh, you are for instance? We're at Yankee Stadium last week. Yeah, right. I have a big thing when it comes to you know the whole people ringing you up picking your honor when it's like a quick burger place right like something quick. I'm great. In a Pepsi, yeah, you're talking there's like fucking nine people behind this cow, nine people behind his counter, one person drinking. And there's like 35 of us online with kids, right? And nobody's saying none. We're moving slow and every step I'm like, I'm gonna go load on your degrees is no breathe, lettering Any way you look around like my husband is not that based on like you we shouldn't again he's not saying, you know, it's like it's all getting closer and we're getting closer and there's one kid comes down. He's like, we were online for ice cream. So the guy comes out and he's like, is anyone here for hot food? And people like no ice cream ice cream. He's like, all right, and literally goes back behind the door.

Debbie Charlie:

No soup. Okay, bye bye.

Debbie Charlie Luz:

around and I snapped like I just I look around like why is nobody saying I know you just can't see that. Do you see how we're being treated with like animals out here? So now slowly the people behind the counter turning around I look at them like know that you're explaining exactly

Debbie Charlie:

how many places like a supermarket or drugstore? And that's like not their turn and they just walking around a clothing store and you got 85 pounds of stuff you're holding and they look at it. You're like, not my turn down the cash register. Sorry. Yeah, not my aisle. And then I would I do fantasize about jumping over like all of a stole all of it. Yes. The lawn. You might jump up.

Charlie and Debbie:

Take care of it yourself. I'll just say don't get paid enough money. That's

Debbie Charlie Luz:

pretty good Yankee Stadium. I thought. Like 15 to 20 an hour.

Charlie Ponger:

What is that? You can't live on? 15

Debbie Charlie Luz:

I don't know what let's not get into that conversation. I'm just I'm just saying. You're in school. Yeah. And this is like your job. It's not. Oh, all right. Horrible. Horrible.

Charlie Ponger:

That falls under these kids today.

Debbie Charlie:

These Today. Today. I want you to mech game. You did? Did you how much drinks are there? No. 6432? I couldn't believe it.

Charlie and Debbie:

I have a I have a little brick. there with my name on it. My names on it. Yeah. Were right in the front of the stadium. What? Entrance? The main entrance just to the right of it when you're going in? That's nice. Why did you do that? How'd you get that? Well, when they were building the stadium, I bought a brick. I didn't know you could? Yeah. Wow. You're impressed with you. Did the win.

Debbie Charlie:

No, they didn't win that night and wasn't very happy because you know, we like to we like winners. But here's the funny side. You know, I'm my Debbie Doppler is my nickname. I'm a weather nutjob and I knew we were going to the one night it was going to rain in the whole summer. We're in middle of a drought. They're like, Okay, I'm gonna tickets way in advance. Should we still go? So it's like, all right. I said, I'm JB you know that rain outfit? You got that? I would make fun of you if you have an extra one. And what about bring an umbrella? Maybe a hat and it was 1,000% humidity with rain and pending, right? So they're all making fun of me like, You're being ridiculous. Who cares? So So what's gonna happen to rain you get you get wet. Meanwhile, they will listen to me. So everybody's packing in umbrella. And the moment of truth. The skies opened up and listen, I hear the four of us walk in like an old version of the flick of fourth version of The Mod Squad. We're the only ones because they listened to Debbie Doppler cactus man. Dave didn't get up and catch the ball went right to him. Sitting Well, I got up because it was raining. I was going to him. Like the guy behind him just got up and I'm like, Oh, I think the age is good. And he could have just like, tried to lift a little ball and even try.

Charlie Ponger:

Oh my god. All right, everyone. Thank you so much for listening to the official teenagers who lose Michelle and Debbie and I grow and I'm Charlie ponger. Thanks so much for listening and say something nice about us. Well, yeah,

Debbie Charlie:

what are you gonna say? Oh, no, no. Need to go to the website, the official They should know that by now or get in touch with us. Maybe you want to be a correspondent you want to be part of the show. You have an idea. You gotta be open minded. What do you like? Oh, have a nice day.

Charlie and Debbie:

See later by Manella Madone.