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March 23, 2023

Text Messaging, Really?

How about when you text someone and you get no response? Is this the new normal? Do you respond to all of your text? If not, then you can't complain!

And how about the 'on and ons' when texting? Pick up the damn phone! LOL


Text Messaging, Really?


respond, text, talk, email, number, charlie, read, message, give, lose, biopsy results, kidding, pick, call, text message, write, random, telemarketers, edit, bff, Love, Happy, seenager, teenager


Luz Michelle, Debbie Nigro, Charlie Ponger

Charlie Ponger:

Yeah, here we go. I'm just gonna talking about

Debbie Nigro:

you, I want to tee it up. Yeah, go ahead, then you go. What does that mean? It means I want to share the topic of the day. And he's like, what does that mean? I'm talking about today's topic. You're on the official teenagers. You are Charlie Ponger. Yeah, I am Debbie Nigro. I am lovable beautiful woman is Michelle, our new BFF. Alright, today's topic needs not more than a few words to be sent to get the point across to everybody. Are you ready? Yeah. message read. No response.

Luz Michelle:

Fair of all it is. I don't have that. But it's terrible.

Debbie Nigro:

Read, no response. So that means in the world of texting, which is how much of our communication takes place these days on everybody's phone is the ability to know if somebody read your message. And therefore, if you send a message, and you see it's been read, because that person either doesn't know they have read on or knows they have read on and you don't get an answer. You go into some kind of

Luz Michelle:

guide. That's an option. People purposely put them on? Well, and if you didn't, you should know that.

Debbie Nigro:

Do you know, there is where the button is for putting on message read or not read in your phone?

Luz Michelle:

Yeah, and messages, and what's called the systems. Okay. systems, you go into your system messages and you pick the options that you have. You want someone to know. Yeah, so you know, you get an alert that someone read your message.

Debbie Nigro:

Okay. Did you know Did you officially set your message? To say? It's okay, if somebody knows the message has been read? No. No, you didn't know that it was set to have somebody know that you've read their message?

Luz Michelle:

No, mine is set? With nothing. Nothing you don't. You have to personally set it on your phone to be an option. So minds off. Oh, you're anyone that someone sends me something. I see it normal. I send you something. I see it normal. But it turns out someone like my husband hasn't on the other day, he has his phone out and my text is were open and I happen to glance. And at the bottom it says he like read at 2:54pm. And I was like oh did you ever respond? Why? Let's say he'll ask me a question. Like, are you on the way? And I'm totally not. No, I'm not responding. Oh.

Debbie Nigro:

All right. So I'll send David a text, right? Yeah. And I'm like, buddy, right or whatever. Nothing. We're gonna check and it says, Read and the time and the time. So an hour and a half later. You couldn't give me a haha. Lol. Thumbs up something right. And he starts to put you in a little twisted. Like, really? You couldn't take a minute to respond? That's the story we're talking about.

Charlie Ponger:

Luz… Did you? Did your husband ever respond to you like,

Luz Michelle:

even though he didn't? And that's the funny. He doesn't respond to text messages. Oh, he does. Same thing that I could send like the funniest effing gift, right? Or like the fuck, you know, the gift or the text message? Yeah. Or I could send my new material. Something awesome, right? gasa? Yeah, he doesn't respond. And then I'll come home from work. And when did you get my text? And he's like, Yeah, I'm like, why don't you respond? He's like, because I didn't respond.

Charlie Ponger:

You both know I respond to every text I gave

Luz Michelle:

it. Yeah. Jolly that you see the cloud come right over the three dots.

Debbie Nigro:

That's the other thing you can see when somebody's typing. And then all of a sudden, nothing, and nothing, nothing. responding, and they started to respond. The leverage shot.

Luz Michelle:

We know what you're doing. And now

Debbie Nigro:

what? Do you read a text? You write text? I tell you try and think of something somebody never said that. I didn't think so anyway, thinking about

Charlie Ponger:

my hair. She goes, I was in sales. So I respond to everyone because I know what it feels like. Right? I respond to everyone. Whether it's no or yes. Or I can't make it or I'll see you soon. Whatever it is, I always respond. That all depends that it all depends on

Debbie Nigro:

the word no. Seems to be a problem for many people, as opposed to mean I would rather No, no. Right then maybe some days,

Charlie Ponger:

nothing to leave you hanging and not respond.

Debbie Nigro:

So let's just quickly talk about emails for a second, right? How many times when you send an email to somebody who has not responded that you were like surprised they didn't respond, but You won't don't want to be a jerk. So how many times will you resend or whatever? Do you have a style to get them to see the email address in your head?

Charlie Ponger:

You want to be respectful?

Debbie Nigro:

Yes, lose three,


I do three. I like to send a follow up and make a little short I have their number, I will send a text that you know I have sent one. But yeah, I'll give it three chances.

Charlie Ponger:

Oh, I try to I send an email. Then I send a text saying, I sent you an email.

Debbie Nigro:

That's you know the person well enough. And it doesn't matter who it is signs it that day you send the time.

Charlie Ponger:

Yeah, I send it almost immediately. Like I send the email. And then I text them whoever it is, I don't care who it is, if I know them or not. I sent if I haven't, if I had the number, I sent you an email,

Debbie Nigro:

really somebody who like your first location doesn't matter. You have their personal number and you send them if I have their personal

Charlie Ponger:

number, I send them an email. And then I send them a text saying please, you know, I sent you an email, please read my email.

Debbie Nigro:

How's that work? It works great. Really? Yeah.

Charlie Ponger:

Because I just figure how many times do people getting you know, you're sending in emails that people don't see the email, right? Yeah. But if you notify them by saying hey, look it I sent you. There almost feel responsible to respond,

Luz Michelle:

right? Because a little aggressive. Yeah.

Charlie Ponger:

How's that? How's that? How's that aggressive?

Luz Michelle:

Boom, boom, boom, boom, email, text, email.

Debbie Nigro:

Email, text carrier pigeon, email, text carrier pigeon, email, text carrier pigeon, na u haul back into your driveway. Okay. Hello. Hello.

Charlie Ponger:

I think that's aggressive. Do you think that's aggression?

Debbie Nigro:

Yes. If I don't know you well enough, and I'm in business. I'm like, this Mother's texting me about the email. I just got it. Yeah, you

Charlie Ponger:

better friggin read it.

Debbie Nigro:

I mean, like, I spent my

Charlie Ponger:

time to write an email to you You better read it might be funny.

Debbie Nigro:

Daddy's gotta get my my cell number. Well, there's double secret ways.

Luz Michelle:

I usually know if I yeah, I didn't give you my number. Creepy.

Debbie Nigro:

Very creepy generational

Charlie Ponger:

again. I was a salesperson who wanted to solve problems.

Debbie Nigro:

It's very nice. It's very common. Yeah, loving it. But you know, some

Charlie Ponger:

of my buddies you know, that aren't really empathetic at all. What a surprise right? You'll send them an email they won't respond to you or text and they won't respond to you but then if you're with them, the guy that am I I sent this guy sent so and so an email and he never responded me. I'm like, Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me or what?

Debbie Nigro:

So I have a little trick. I go gently resending Oh, you might say my subject line I go gently resending so that like I'm not being a pain in the ass. I just you know, maybe you didn't see it getting yellow shot. And then after to lose? Yeah, I get a little twisted. Like, they didn't get the gentle thing. And then I go Alright, one more time. Maybe. Yeah. And then that's it, then you know, they don't want to talk to you because they've seen it three times you have seen it.

Charlie Ponger:

It's so rude for people not to respond. Right? It's bizarre,

Debbie Nigro:

although I have done it. And and just not intentionally not that many men to get back to somebody you know, like he just got lost in the 100 emails of the day. So then if you don't mind being gently Well,

Charlie Ponger:

if that gets lost in the 100 emails a day, that's why you text them. Okay.

Luz Michelle:

So your email stands out good PR. Yeah.

Debbie Nigro:

Okay, so communicating is a is a big story. Yeah. A lot of people don't know how to communicate in this day and age.

Charlie Ponger:

Deb you're so the texts talking? Drives me nuts.

Debbie Nigro:

What are you talking about? Instead of

Charlie Ponger:

picking up the phone? I'd rather tell kids friggin on and on to the century of like, there could be like 12 paragraphs of a tape. Are you kidding me? Are you effing kidding me?

Debbie Nigro:

It means that somebody doesn't want to talk to you shortly. I don't

Charlie Ponger:

know what it means. It means lose. I hate you a little bit right now.

Debbie Nigro:

a lose lose has been texting Charlie like excessive amount.

Charlie Ponger:

She's got the honor nones with the text. I'm like, just

Luz Michelle:

explaining because I don't want to have a conversation.

Debbie Nigro:

Right, right.

Charlie Ponger:

Because you want to you don't want to verbally have a conversation. You want to

Luz Michelle:

do want to get to the verb. Like the outline of what I would like to talk about. So I'm putting it out there to get you riled up. So you know, let's talk about it.

Debbie Nigro:

Alright, here's the other reason. The other reason is, I'm in the bathroom, I come out of the shower, you want to talk to me? People want to FaceTime me, I'm on the ball. I'm like, listen, and I started to text back and I'm like, let's keep this going until I get some clothes on and we'll get we'll figure out how to say that. Okay, well, I I'm not saying it, I'm saying it in text.

Charlie Ponger:

You figure it out of the shower but I'm communicating that I understand Right? Right. Okay, I'm in the car or whatever the whatever it is normally in the car you should just pick up the

Debbie Nigro:

phone on the card the car is the best because the car you use voice, text voice to text and that always fucks up now that none of it ever looks like what you're driving along I go hey, so anyway, I just wanted to tell you about the last thing I wanted to tell you because the thing we're going to meet over here and come back over and look at it and goes it says eggs milk feathers I'm trying to edit it while I'm changing lanes like this is death trap you got to stop this pull over and edit the text. No way right right. No way. Okay, one last question on this. Do you pick up random phone calls since you missed her talk to everybody?

Charlie Ponger:

If it's a phone call, I don't know especially from an 800 number. No,

Debbie Nigro:

they are tricky. The people who are trying to get you send you phone numbers from your local area

Charlie Ponger:

or right before and I don't pick those up either

Luz Michelle:

all them no I've seen 718-340-6646 like regular area calls but I don't yours it's like telemarketers right yeah years

Charlie Ponger:

ago John her and taught me that he was like if you don't know who it is, if it's important, they'll leave you a voicemail

Debbie Nigro:

right? But here's the thing nobody knows anybody's phone number these days by heart who could be anything important? It could be your biopsy results for all you now

Charlie Ponger:

I know. That's a weird thing because the doctors do call right but they have random round you know phone numbers that each phone number is different every single single time they call that's

Luz Michelle:

chat all the four digits are always different. Right when the

Charlie Ponger:

exchange there's a 213 Yeah 746 All that sort of shit so so because I'm in this situation with the doctor I do pick up if I see a 914 number i Yeah, and then and then if it's some if it's one of those random sales soliciting things like yourself I just go tell me if this sounds like I'm hanging up I just

Debbie Nigro:

so many people take so aggravated with the random calls. You're saying horrible things to horrible. Anyway let's wrap it up with message read no response to what do you say in a closing comment to this any advice to the I guess Go ahead.

Luz Michelle:

In my defense Yeah, it was trying to explain something to Charlie via tags and Charlie wasn't understanding what I was saying about one of the videos that we were editing he's like I don't get it and then he writes La La La

Charlie Ponger:

supposed to be haha

Debbie Nigro:

milk truck feathers La La La I can't wait to artificial intelligence gets involved with answering our personal information. Dear God, yeah, did God that's another show. But that's it for today.

Charlie Ponger:

Thank you so much for listening. Please share the show and if you have follow you write a review. Believe it or not you guys every time someone writes We just got a night beautiful review. Really. If someone writes a review, all of a sudden boom, the algorithms on Apple podcast go way up.

Debbie Nigro:

Really? Really weird. Yeah. Do they text the review? are they writing

Charlie Ponger:

the right thing review on Apple podcasts? And then you know, because our goal is to be number one this year right? We are number one. Yeah, in our own brains. We're delusional Yes,

Debbie Nigro:

I like it that way. is where you'll find out that stands for official senior teenagers which means we ain't growing up anytime soon. And if you're not you're in the right place.

Charlie Ponger:

Alright everyone, thank you so much. I'm keep playing with this slider over here. Alright everyone. See you later. Bye.